Awaken is an invitation for you to fast and pray over the course of the next three weeks for a revival of God’s presence and work in your own life and church. The goal of that revival in you is for God’s glory to be revealed to a watching world that needs to know Him. When large numbers or high percentages of people are transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, spiritual awakening is the result. Communities change. Cities change. And yes, nations can change. Spiritual awakening is what we need in our nation, but revival of God’s people is a spiritual prerequisite.
Each day in this prayer guide, I’ve included one or more Scriptures to get your focus on God and what He has to say to us through His Word. I’ve shared some thoughts with you that I pray will be a challenge or encouragement to you. I’m praying that God will increase your own hunger fo r His presence and power to such a degree that you will make every adjustment required to experience revival and awakening. I’m praying that God will increase your faith to believe Him for all He wants to do where you are. Don’t focus attention on how bad things may be around you. Get your eyes fixed on Jesus and what He can do. He is our Hope.
I’ve given you some suggestions for prayer. Prayer is a relationship with the Creator of the universe. Jesus wants you to spend time getting to know Him and His purposes and His ways as you pray. He wants to speak to you about your life and your part in His plan for world redemption. You will notice that each day I’m asking you to talk to the Lord about what you should do to apply what you are hearing from Him. Don’t be a hearer only.Fasting may be a new discipline for you. If so, do some research or ask someone about fasting. That may include denying yourself food, or it could include a fast from television or media for a season.
Fasting heightens your hunger for God and your focus on Him, but it also provides you with additional time to pray. Fasting and prayer go together. There are some helpful guides in the appendix beginning on page 53.