Preparing for Your Day of Prayer
The Day Before. In many ways you will start your "Day of Prayer" Preparing to Pray on the evening before. (Actually, in Scripture the day begins in the evening -- "the evening and the morning" made up each day in Genesis 1). How? Start with an attitude of humility. God calls us to humble ourselves to Him -- to come recognizing our needs (personally, communally, nationally, internationally) and to cry out to Him for mercy and grace (Hebrews 4:14-16). It would be helpful to Read these verses the Day Before your Day of Prayer. Adjust your heart in humility before the Lord (1 Peter 5:5-8; James 4:5-10; Philippians 2:3-11; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Isaiah 66:2; Luke 18:9-14; Isaiah 57:15; Psalm 51:!7; 138:6; 34:18; Luke 14:11).
Praying takes time. Determine your block or blocks of time (set aside at least 3 hours for a block of time) for your Day of Prayer. You may choose to set aside two, three, or more blocks of t ime (for example, early morning, mid-morning, mid-day, afternoon, early evening, or late evening). Work your schedule around your Day of Prayer. Make this time priority time.